
What do you think of the Community Energy Transition Strategy and action plan?


The city first approved the Community Energy Transition Strategy in 2015 to tackle climate change. This year, city council revised the strategy to include targets aligned with the Paris Agreement. Implementing the plan will require $24 billion in public and private investment over the next 10 years. Without action, the strategy suggests that more frequent and intense weather events could reduce Edmonton's GDP by $3.2 billion annually by the 2050s.

Candidate responses

A total of 67 candidates have responded to the survey. Here's how they answered this question:

a) It's a good start but we need to go farther to reach our goals

Candidates that selected this response:

b) It's a strong plan; we just need to follow it

Candidates that selected this response:

c) The action items are too expensive

Candidates that selected this response:

d) Climate action is not the responsibility of the city

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

Candidates that selected this response:

Candidates that skipped this question:

Voter responses

Based on more than 16,000 responses received as of Oct. 14, here's how voters answered this question:


By ward

Note: Taproot excluded surveys with fewer than two answers from these results. It was possible for voters to fill out the survey multiple times, but unlikely at a large scale given the structure of the survey. Voters were not able to select "I don't have a position on this issue".

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