
Nakota Isga

Pronunciation: NA-KOH-TAH EE-SKA



Name Contest Taproot Survey Email Website Disclosure Twitter
Councillor Incomplete N/A N/A
Councillor Complete N/A steveweston780
Councillor Complete andrewknack

Taproot Survey responses

Taproot has put together 30 multiple-choice questions drawing from what we heard when we asked voters what key issues they wanted the candidates to be talking about as they competed for votes in the 2021 municipal election. We sent this survey to candidates; now voters have an opportunity to answer the same questions to see how they align with those who are running for mayor and council in their wards.

Take the survey

Taproot received 2 responses to the Taproot Survey from candidates in this ward. Here they are by category:


How much should the city spend to help local business recover from the pandemic?

a) It should spend more

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

b) Current support is sufficient

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) It should spend less

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Is the city's current approach to encouraging economic diversification heading in the right direction?

a) Yes, we have effective initiatives in place

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

b) No, the city should put more resources behind nurturing homegrown businesses

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) No, the city should put more resources behind attracting global businesses

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Do you support the Downtown Vibrancy Strategy released in June?

a) Yes, and we should fully fund the plan

No candidates selected this response

b) Yes, at the current level of investment

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) No, we have already spent enough on downtown

No candidates selected this response

d) No, I support investment in downtown but not this plan

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response


What do you think of the Community Energy Transition Strategy and action plan?

a) It's a good start but we need to go farther to reach our goals

No candidates selected this response

b) It's a strong plan; we just need to follow it

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) The action items are too expensive

No candidates selected this response

d) Climate action is not the responsibility of the city

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Should effects on the climate be taken into account in every decision city council makes?

a) Yes, every decision has climate implications

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) Yes for some decisions but not all

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) No, most decisions don't have climate implications

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Do you think city council should have approved the Epcor's E.L. Smith Solar Farm?

a) Yes

No candidates selected this response

b) No, I support solar power but that's the wrong location

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) No, I don't support solar power anywhere

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response


What do you think the city's main fiscal challenge is?

a) City council hasn't been willing to raise taxes enough

No candidates selected this response

b) The city has limited ability to raise revenues

No candidates selected this response

c) The city spends too much

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

d) The city spends its resources inefficiently

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

What do you think of the city's revenue split between residential and business taxes?

a) The current mix is acceptable

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) Residences should pay more

No candidates selected this response

c) Businesses should pay more

No candidates selected this response

d) Both should pay less, even if that means a reduction of services

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

What do you think of the size of the city's workforce?

a) The city has about the right number of employees

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

b) The city has too many employees

No candidates selected this response

c) The city has too few employees

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

Housing and homelessness

How should the city approach the provision of affordable housing?

a) The city should build more affordable housing, even if it can't get funding from other orders of government

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) The city cannot afford to build more affordable housing without financial support from other orders of government

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) The city should not build more affordable housing regardless of financial support from other orders of government

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Should the city expand its Housing First programs?

a) Yes, Housing First is the right approach and we need more of it

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) No, the existing programs are sufficient

No candidates selected this response

c) No, residents should undergo treatment for underlying issues such as substance use and mental illness before participating in housing programs

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

d) No, this shouldn't be the city's responsibility

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

How should the city address encampments?

a) The current policy towards encampments is acceptable

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) Encampments should be allowed if there are no better housing options available

No candidates selected this response

c) Encampments should be dismantled immediately

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response


Which statement best describes your opinion of city council's zoning decisions?

a) Council has shown the right amount of flexibility regarding zoning bylaws

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) Council has been too flexible under pressure from developers

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) Council has not been flexible enough to make way for development

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Do you support the city's current approach to infill?

a) Yes

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) No, primarily because it harms the character of mature neighbourhoods

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) No, primarily because it allows too much gentrification

No candidates selected this response

d) No, primarily because it interferes with market forces

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

How should council bring the 15-minute districts described in the City Plan to life?

a) Council should use every tool at its disposal, including financial penalties and incentives

No candidates selected this response

b) Council should rely mostly on zoning decisions to support their creation

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) Council should not intentionally create 15-minute districts

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor


Which statement best captures your beliefs about racism and the Edmonton Police Service?

a) Systemic racism is apparent throughout the EPS

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) The EPS is not racist on the whole, but there are some racist members

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) There is no racism within the EPS

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

What should be done about the police budget?

a) Increase it as determined by the funding formula

No candidates selected this response

b) Freeze it until it is in line with comparable cities

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) Decrease it somewhat

No candidates selected this response

d) Defund the police altogether

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

When police request funding for capital projects, how should council respond?

a) Council should trust the police to know what they need and generally approve their requests

No candidates selected this response

b) Council should closely scrutinize all requests

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) Council should not approve any further funding requests from police

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Politics and governance

Should candidates disclose their donors?

a) Yes, before the election

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) Yes, after the election

No candidates selected this response

c) They shouldn't have donors

No candidates selected this response

d) They shouldn't have to disclose donors at any point

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Should city council continue to have a code of conduct?

a) Yes, and the current one is working fine

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) Yes, but the current one is not doing the job

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) No, elections are a sufficient mechanism for governing councillors' conduct

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Do referendum questions and Senate votes belong on municipal ballots?

a) Yes

No candidates selected this response

b) No

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) I accept the principle but object to some or all of these additions

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Quality of life

How much should the city spend to help the arts sector recover from the pandemic?

a) It should spend more

No candidates selected this response

b) Current support is sufficient

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) It should spend less

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Should the city have more permanent public washrooms?

a) Yes, we need more permanent public washrooms

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) No, we have enough

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) No, we shouldn't have any

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Do you support the city's current approach to upholding the spirit and specifics of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 calls to action?

a) Yes, I support the current approach

No candidates selected this response

b) No, the city should do more

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) No, the city is doing more than it should

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor


What should the residential speed limit be?

a) 30 km/h

No candidates selected this response

b) 40 km/h

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) 50 km/h

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Where do you stand on accommodating active transportation?

a) The city should make roads more accessible to active transportation

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) The city has enough infrastructure for active transportation

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) The city should make roads less accessible to active transportation

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Do you support the expansion of major roads?

a) I support these expansions

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

b) I oppose these expansions, primarily on financial grounds

No candidates selected this response

c) I oppose these expansions, primarily on environmental grounds

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor


What should be done about transit fares?

a) Fares should decrease

No candidates selected this response

b) Fares should be frozen where they are

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

c) Fares should go up as planned

No candidates selected this response

d) I don't have a position on this issue

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

What is your position on the bus network redesign?

a) It struck the right balance between frequency and coverage

No candidates selected this response

b) It sacrificed too much coverage to provide more frequency

No candidates selected this response

c) The city should have taken money from something else to increase frequency and maintain coverage

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

d) Regardless of how it is configured, the city spends too much on transit

No candidates selected this response

e) I don't have a position on this issue

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

What should be done about LRT expansion?

a) Divert budget from other projects to build the LRT more quickly

No candidates selected this response

b) Continue with the current plan

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor

c) Pause LRT construction and consider bus rapid transit instead

No candidates selected this response

d) Pause LRT construction and explore more future-focused technology like autonomous vehicle networks

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor

e) I don't have a position on this issue

No candidates selected this response

Voting Stations

Name Location City Ward EPSB Ward ECSD Ward
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 18 Aldergrove School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 74
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 17 Belmead School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 74
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 16 West Meadows Baptist Church Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 74
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 15 Crestwood School Nakota Isga Ward E Ward 75
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 14 West Jasper Sherwood Community League Nakota Isga Ward E Ward 71
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 13 St. Thomas More School Nakota Isga Ward E Ward 71
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 12 Beulah Alliance Church Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 74
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 11 LaPerle School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 74
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 10 Michael Phair School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 74
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 09 David Thomas King School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 74
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 08 St. Vincent School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 75
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 07 Grovenor School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 71
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 06 Brightview School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 71
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 05 Britannia School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 71
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 04 (North Glenora) Coronation School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 75
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 04 (McQueen) Coronation School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 71
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 03 Our Lady Of Peace School Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 71
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 02 Westview Village Community Hall Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 71
Ward Nakota Isga Voting Station 01 Glendale Golf and Country Club Nakota Isga Ward C Ward 71