
What is your position on the bus network redesign?


In April, Edmonton Transit launched its first bus network redesign in more than 20 years, removing some less-busy routes to increase frequency on higher-demand routes. It also introduced an on-demand shuttle service to designated transit hubs in 37 communities that don't have regular bus routes.

Candidate responses

A total of 67 candidates have responded to the survey. Here's how they answered this question:

a) It struck the right balance between frequency and coverage

Candidates that selected this response:

Mohammed Migdaddy

Mohammed Migdaddy Councillor
Candidate in O-day'min

b) It sacrificed too much coverage to provide more frequency

Candidates that selected this response:

Gino Akbari

Gino Akbari Councillor
Candidate in O-day'min

Haruun Ali

Haruun Ali Councillor
Candidate in papastew

Moe Banga

Moe Banga Councillor
Candidate in Sspomitapi

Gabrielle Battiste

Gabrielle Battiste Councillor
Candidate in O-day'min

Cody Bondarchuk

Cody Bondarchuk Councillor
Candidate in tastawiyiniwak

Jason Carter

Jason Carter Councillor
Candidate in Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

Tim Cartmell

Tim Cartmell Councillor
Candidate in pihêsiwin

Tony Caterina

Tony Caterina Councillor
Candidate in O-day'min

Mark Davies

Mark Davies Councillor
Candidate in Anirniq

Bev Esslinger

Bev Esslinger Councillor
Candidate in Anirniq

Susan Field

Susan Field Councillor
Candidate in papastew

Jasbir Singh Gill

Jasbir Singh Gill Councillor
Candidate in Sspomitapi

Andy Andrzej Gudanowski

Andy Andrzej Gudanowski Councillor
Candidate in Dene

Sarah Hamilton

Sarah Hamilton Councillor
Candidate in sipiwiyiniwak

Rhiannon Hoyle

Rhiannon Hoyle Councillor
Candidate in Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

Sanjay Malhotra

Sanjay Malhotra Councillor
Candidate in Sspomitapi

Caroline Matthews

Caroline Matthews Councillor
Candidate in Métis

Jon Morgan

Jon Morgan Councillor
Candidate in Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

Michael Oshry

Michael Oshry Mayor
Candidate in City Wide

Lana Palmer

Lana Palmer Councillor
Candidate in Dene

Guiscela Perez Arellano

Guiscela Perez Arellano Councillor
Candidate in pihêsiwin

Jennifer Rice

Jennifer Rice Councillor
Candidate in Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

Erin Rutherford

Erin Rutherford Councillor
Candidate in Anirniq

Tarcy Schindelka

Tarcy Schindelka Councillor
Candidate in papastew

Amarjeet Sohi

Amarjeet Sohi Mayor
Candidate in City Wide

Diana Steele

Diana Steele Mayor
Candidate in City Wide

Steven Townsend

Steven Townsend Councillor
Candidate in Métis

Shamair Turner

Shamair Turner Councillor
Candidate in Karhiio

Byron Vass

Byron Vass Councillor
Candidate in papastew

Cheryll Watson

Cheryll Watson Mayor
Candidate in City Wide

Jo-Anne Wright

Jo-Anne Wright Councillor
Candidate in Sspomitapi

c) The city should have taken money from something else to increase frequency and maintain coverage

Candidates that selected this response:

Ahmed 'Knowmadic' Ali

Ahmed 'Knowmadic' Ali Councillor
Candidate in tastawiyiniwak

Adrian Bruff

Adrian Bruff Councillor
Candidate in O-day'min

Abdul Malik Chukwudi

Abdul Malik Chukwudi Mayor
Candidate in City Wide

Jon Dziadyk

Jon Dziadyk Councillor
Candidate in tastawiyiniwak

Giselle General

Giselle General Councillor
Candidate in sipiwiyiniwak

Kirsten Goa

Kirsten Goa Councillor
Candidate in papastew

Brian (Breezy) Gregg

Brian (Breezy) Gregg Mayor
Candidate in City Wide

Naima Haile

Naima Haile Councillor
Candidate in O-day'min

Scott Hayes

Scott Hayes Councillor
Candidate in sipiwiyiniwak

Daniel Heikkinen

Daniel Heikkinen Councillor
Candidate in sipiwiyiniwak

Derek Hlady

Derek Hlady Councillor
Candidate in sipiwiyiniwak

Michael Janz

Michael Janz Councillor
Candidate in papastew

Harman Singh Kandola

Harman Singh Kandola Councillor
Candidate in Sspomitapi

James Kosowan

James Kosowan Councillor
Candidate in Métis

Glynnis Andrea Lieb

Glynnis Andrea Lieb Councillor
Candidate in Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

Cori Longo

Cori Longo Councillor
Candidate in Métis

Mukesh Makwana

Mukesh Makwana Councillor
Candidate in Sspomitapi

Salar Melli

Salar Melli Councillor
Candidate in Métis

Aaron Paquette

Aaron Paquette Councillor
Candidate in Dene

Charan Saggu

Charan Saggu Councillor
Candidate in Karhiio

Ashley Salvador

Ashley Salvador Councillor
Candidate in Métis

Rashpal Sehmby

Rashpal Sehmby Councillor
Candidate in Sspomitapi

Anne Stevenson

Anne Stevenson Councillor
Candidate in O-day'min

Keren Tang

Keren Tang Councillor
Candidate in Karhiio

Tricia Velthuizen

Tricia Velthuizen Councillor
Candidate in Dene

Steve Weston

Steve Weston Councillor
Candidate in Nakota Isga

Joshua Wolchansky

Joshua Wolchansky Councillor
Candidate in O-day'min

d) Regardless of how it is configured, the city spends too much on transit

Candidates that selected this response:

James Cameron

James Cameron Councillor
Candidate in papastew

Rick Comrie

Rick Comrie Mayor
Candidate in City Wide

Abdulhakim Dalel

Abdulhakim Dalel Councillor
Candidate in Métis

Liz John-West

Liz John-West Councillor
Candidate in Métis

Scott Johnston

Scott Johnston Councillor
Candidate in Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

e) I don't have a position on this issue

Candidates that selected this response:

Andrew Knack

Andrew Knack Councillor
Candidate in Nakota Isga

Candidates that skipped this question:

Kim Krushell

Kim Krushell Mayor
Candidate in City Wide

Tom Shaw

Tom Shaw Councillor
Candidate in Karhiio

Voter responses

Based on more than 16,000 responses received as of Oct. 14, here's how voters answered this question:


By ward

Note: Taproot excluded surveys with fewer than two answers from these results. It was possible for voters to fill out the survey multiple times, but unlikely at a large scale given the structure of the survey. Voters were not able to select "I don't have a position on this issue".